Friday, February 24, 2012

Office Mysteries...

And now, here's a comic about the importance of getting to know the people you work with:

NOTE -- If you're one of the tallest guys in the office, this is automatically your job:

Life is a mystery...



  1. Hahaha, I bet you that guy doesn't even work there.

  2. I can't wait 'til part 2: "Stu's only clue is the shape of the mysterious man's ass, so he sneaks from cube to cube inspecting buttocks."

  3. life IS amystery. Who WAS that guy?

    You do have nice muscles, though.

  4. hahaha aww...just hang around the water cooler, I'm sure he will be back...

  5. Hey, some guys can't resist the Stu : )

  6. Megan - Haha keep your eyes open I hear he's hitting all the studios in the area, making helpful people super uncomfortable

    Ryan - stop reading my mindddd...

    Anthony - wow thanks man <3

    Carrie - nope. Too scared.

    Chris - *dusts collar off??*

    Rico - you live life on the edge my friend

  7. That guy was thirsty...

    for a bowl of Stu.

  8. Maybe the guy was just thirsty.

    For a bowl of Stu.

  9. Stu....I think he is the guy who had the last cup of water and didn't replace it! OOOO...O_O; awfully suspicious of him. -strokes invisible beard-
